If you are like us and enjoy playing in golf Stableford competitions, but often find Stableford points challenging to work out, our app might help.
Thie Stableford Scorer is a quick and simple way of calculating Stableford points at the end of the hole.
The app covers:
Handicap Index/Course Handicap 0 - 72
Stroke index 1-18
Hole Par 3-5
Strokes Played 1-12
The app uses the standard Stableford points system as detailed in the R&A USGA rules.
1, Set your Handicap by touch dragging the first picker/slider on the right-hand side of the screen to the players handicap.
2 Then set the next sliders to the Stroke Index and Hole par, as found on the Clubs scorecard
3 Finally, set the Strokes Played slider to the number of strokes played on the hole. Your points Stableford points for that hole are now calculated at the top of the screen.